Frequently Asked Questions

Application Type

Frequently Asked Questions About Incubation and Acceleration Application

Social Entrepreneurship, Empowerment and Cohesion (SEECO) Project Incubation and Acceleration Support Program

What is the difference between SEECO Project 'Incubation Program' and 'Acceleration Program'?

Are there any sector restrictions for project applications?

Are there any limitations on business ideas to be accepted?

Who will be the responsible person for the applications to be made on behalf of the cooperative?

I have a business idea and I want to implement it, how much grant can I get?

Can I submit more than one application?

I have a business and I want to develop it, how much grant can I get?

The program states that women entrepreneurship is a priority, can men also apply to the program?

Can you make an exception for Male Incubation and Acceleration candidates who exceed the age criteria?

Would an enterprise operating in partnership with a woman entrepreneur and a man aged +29 be considered an eligible applicant for the accelerator program? Or will it be considered if it is an "enterprise that aims to benefit women"?

We would like to apply to your grant program on behalf of our business. We have a total of 40 female employees in our two companies. The partners of our company are men and their ages are 50 and 56. Can we apply for your grant program?

I opened my business less than a year ago, can I apply for an accelerator program?

How will the process work after applying to the program?

Will everyone who participates in the training receive a grant?

I want to apply for the accelerator program, but since I am very busy, can someone else attend the training on my behalf?

Where and how do I send my business plan?

Is the grant repayable?

Will applicants also have to contribute financially?

Can I use my own budget as co-financing if there is a purchase over the grant amount?

Can an application be made for a workplace that is already receiving support from another project/organization (e.g. KOSGEB)?

I am active in the livestock sector, can I apply to the SEECO project and benefit from financial support?

What are the cost items you support?

What are the cost items you do not support?

Can I buy raw materials for production with the grant?

Can a business that has been operating for more than one year but is not registered apply for acceleration support?

For a person who had an existing business in the past but it closed down, does it have to have been a certain period of time since the business closed down in order to apply for the SEECO Project?

Can a person open a business in his/her own name and employ his/her spouse?

Can those who migrated due to the earthquake but whose residence is still in the provinces in the earthquake zone apply from a province other than their residence? Is it acceptable to change the place of residence to Adana or Mersin after the application?

Will a work permit be required for members of the Guest Community under Temporary Protection who want to benefit from incubation grants?

Is the application of foreign women/young foreigners who have obtained a long-term residence permit for reasons such as acquiring property or starting a business and who want to expand their business an eligible application?

Will the documents required for some business lines (certificate of mastery, etc.) be requested during the grant application? If so, will the project provide technical support in obtaining them?